At Punchbowl Public School we believe that children learn best when parents and teachers work together. The importance of building strong, collaborative partnerships with families is reflected under Quality Area 6 of the National Quality Standard.
Our preschool is actively involved in creating partnerships with families by:
Involving families in decision making. Every year we create opportunities for parents to contribute to and refine our preschool philosophy. We also hold parent information sessions and take feedback on how we can improve. We have a suggestion mailbox positioned near our sign on book and take ongoing ideas and advice for improvement. Generally our feedback comes when we are speaking with our parent community.
Inviting families to participate in events at the service. We recognise that our community is rich, diverse, and full of expertise. We encourage all parents to share their skills, knowledge and passions with us. We understand that exposure to different cultures, foods and knowledge enriches each child’s early childhood experience and supports them to become well rounded, inclusive learners.
Building a sense of community by helping families feel comfortable talking with staff and educators. We are lucky to have a Schools as Community Centre onsite who hold regular events, activities and personal development sessions for parents. We also encourage parents to become involved in our Parents and Citizens Association and steer the direction of the preschool and the primary school. We have bilingual staff available to support communication and translating and interpreter services that we access.
Increasing family-educator collaboration in planning of high-quality outcomes for children.
We have an open-door policy and this enables us to build strong relationships with parents. We collaborate in many ways so that students reach their full potential.