Early Intervention Preschool

To assist parents with children attending, or about to attend, our Early Intervention Preschool, please click on the orientation link below. It leads to a useful document providing information about routines, objectives, and other helpful items.
Early Intervention Support classes at PPS are run as two and a half hour sessions, twice a week. We have two classes on Monday-Tuesday and two classes on Thursday-Friday.
Early Intervention resource support is provided Wednesdays on-site or within a child’s regular childcare, preschool or playgroup.
These classes will have a maximum of eight children with two staff. Classes cater for up to 8 students per day who are under 6 years of age and have been referred to us by the NSW Department of Education.
This smaller, supported environment provides a secure setting for your child to develop new skills. Being able to transfer these skills to their preschool, day care or community is part of the aims of early intervention support.
Our team includes trained Special Education Teachers as well as a Student Support Learning Officer (SLSO) who work under the guidance of our School Principal.
The Early Intervention program provides a structured environment where children learn through play and intentional teaching. The learning areas involve gross and fine motor skills, early numeracy and literacy, oral language, self-help and intra personal capabilities. Parents work closely with educators to set individual and famliy goals for each child.
Children are provided with a variety of sensory experiences to meet their individual needs. The children learn in a safe environment where their individual learning needs are closely monitored and met.
Our support class is part of the wider school community and where possible participates in whole school community events.
Our daily visits to the Preschool assist in developing confidence in transitioning between settings and increase opportunities to develop social skills with peers.
We support families to transition to Kindergarten the following year, supporting a placement which continues to meet the child’s unique needs.
For more information, you can visit the departmental information page here: Early intervention (nsw.gov.au)