Punchbowl Public School was initially established on our current school site in August 1922 as an infants school by Albert Brutnell, who was the member for Parramatta and Minister for Public Instruction. There was a strong community push for a school in Punchbowl from as early as 1916, with public meetings being held to push the establishment of the school and protests against delays.
Here we stand, 100 years later, still being supported by a strong, determined community who champion public education and aspire for their children to achieve their potential and become positive members of this community.
We launched our Centenary celebrations by sharing our 'Time Capsule' video at a special afternoon tea. We thank the stars of the show Donald Bell, Ron Benjamin, Janice McDougal, Shirley Freestone, Lia Gioulis, Eronny Mareko, Richard Tapp, Nahla, Qamar and Omar El-Mazloum.
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